Customer Testimonials

Suave shoes are the most comfortable and supportive footwear you will find available, particularly if you suffer from swollen feet, diabetes, bunions, hammertoes or if you need footwear suitable for orthotic insoles.

However, don't just take our word for it! Here is just a selection of feedback we have received from happy customers regarding the comfort, fit and quality of Suave footwear and the fantastic customer service they have received:


  • "I had been to Ecco and Hotter shops but could not find such a comfortable fit."

    (customer purchased Jenny by Suave)

  • "This is my third pair. I'm very pleased with them, really stylish, comfy, plus colourful even for my really painful feet."

    (customer purchased Joy by Suave)

  • "Really pleased to have found a pretty pair of sensible walking shoes."

    (customer purchased Libby by Suave)

  • "I had to buy shoes that will take a 15mm raiser - I like these as they still make my foot look slim."

    (customer purchased Jenny by Suave)

  • "Very pleased that these boots are still available. Perfectly easy to put on!"

    (customer purchased Sasha by Suave)

  • "Unfortunately slight tear in upper after wearing for 4 hours - immediately replaced with no bother."

    (customer purchased Libby by Suave)


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